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The Governing Body has a strategic role in the management of the school and its responsibilities include:

  • Promoting high standards of achievement and ensuring accountability;
  • Setting the aims, values and ethos of the school;
  • Adopting and reviewing policies for achieving these aims and objectives;
  • Planning the school’s long-term future;
  • Setting and monitoring the budget to ensure best value for money
  • Appointing staff including the Headteacher.

There are four different categories of Governor at Huntington School:

Parent Governors

Parent Governors are elected by the parents of all students who are registered at the school. When a vacancy occurs, parents are informed by a letter from the Headteacher and nominations are invited.

Being a Parent Governor

Staff Governors

Staff Governors are elected by their fellow members of staff.  The Headteacher is also a Governor.

Being a Staff Governor

Local Authority Governor

Local Authority Governors are appointed by the Local Authority. Anyone may submit an application to the City of York Council Governor Support & Development Service.

Co-opted Governors

Co-opted Governors are chosen and appointed by the Governing Body in order to bring in additional experience and/or to develop links with the local community.

All Governors have the same responsibilities and an equal say on the Governing Body.

If you are considering standing for election as a Parent or Staff Governor, you can find out more about these roles by clicking on the links above.

The Current Governing Body:

Chair of Governors: George Edmond

Vice Chair of Governors: Jo Olsen

Vice Chair of Governors: Chris Wass 

Clerk to the Governors: Emma Purvis


Bill Adamson, Co-opted (Staff) Governor, Governor since 2024

Tania Davidson, Co-opted Governor, Governor since 2023

Elaine Dawson, Co-opted Governor, Governor since 2024

John Devitt, Co-opted Governor, Governor since 2024

Ian Dickinson, Local Authority Governor, Governor since 2024

George Edmond, Co-opted Governor, Governor since 2020

Sue Faulds, Co-opted Governor, Governor since 2024

Steve Fowler, Co-opted Governor, Governor since 2023

Ben Giles, Co-opted Governor, Governor since 2023

Victoria Haworth, Parent Governor, Governor since 2022

Liam Kettlewell, Parent Governor, Governor since 2023

Jim Large, Parent Governor, Governor since 2017

Phil Martinez, Parent Governor, Governor since 2023

Joanne Olsen, Co-opted Governor, Governor since 2009

Vikki Pendry, Co-opted Governor (Parent), Governor since 2019

Matt Smith, Headteacher

Deborah Stanley, Co-opted (Staff) Governor, Governor since 2021

What do Governors do?

If you are appointed or elected as a Governor, you will be invited to meet the Headteacher and Chair of Governors during the school day for a chat and a tour of the school. The school and the Local Authority will send you a good deal of information which you will need to read in order to prepare you for your role.  You will also be invited to attend initial induction training offered by the Local Authority. This normally takes approximately two hours and is offered in the evening only. A more extended introduction to governance is also available and consists of four modules.

The main task for Governors is to attend meetings. Meetings of the Full Governing Body normally take place six times per academic year. These meetings are held between 6.00pm and 8.00pm. Most Governors also sit on two Committees and each Committee meets once per term, between 5.00pm and 7.00pm. The dates for Full Governing Body and Committee Meetings are set at the end of the summer term for the following academic year.

Governors should receive papers at least seven days before each meeting, and it is necessary to read them in advance.

The Governing Body at Huntington School has five Committees.  They are:

Please click on the links above to view the terms of reference for each committee.

All Governors (except Staff Governors) are linked to one or two subject areas. This will require one or two visits per subject per academic year and the writing of a very brief report on your visit. These visits usually take place during, or at the end of, the school day.

A Governor normally sits on recruitment interview panels. This will usually involve being in school from 12.20 until late afternoon. On some occasions, when we are recruiting for a new Deputy Headteacher or Headteacher, Governors may be required all day or for two days. Whilst it is hoped that all Governors will participate in these interview panels from time to time, it is understood that some Governors find it harder than others to visit the school during the day.

Governors are expected to adhere to the Code of Conduct

What support and training do Governors receive?

In addition to the initial induction training offered by the Local Authority, Governors are able and encouraged to attend other training offered by the Authority throughout the year. Governors all complete compulsory online training around Data Protection, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, Safeguarding and Prevent. As a governing board we aim to be well-trained across all areas.

In their first year all new Governors have a mentor who will help them to settle in and answer any questions.

Dates of Governors’ Meetings:

Governor Meeting Dates 2024.25

Governor meeting attendance 2022.23

Contacting the Governors:

If you wish to contact the Governors, please do so by contacting the Clerk, Emma Purvis

Additional documents: