*This is an approximate map of the catchment area.
Please visit the CYC Website for further details, thank you.
How many schools can I choose?
You may list up to five preference schools and we advise you to include your catchment school in your preferences.
How are places allocated?
Each school or admission authority has an admissions policy that details how applications should be made, how applications will be considered and how many places can be offered. These are available on school websites and at https://www.york.gov.uk/SchoolAdmissions . If there are more applications for places than places available, this policy makes clear who will be offered places and who will be refused. This is called the oversubscription criteria which is included in the Guide for Parents: https://www.york.gov.uk/GuideForParents
When will I find out where my child has been offered a place?
National Offer Day is 1 March 2022. If you apply online, you will be able to check online from 10am on 1 March. You will need your username and password to log on. You will also receive an email on the day. Applicants who do not apply online will receive a letter from 1 March.
What if I don’t get a place at my preference school?
If you cannot be allocated a place at your preference school/s, you will be allocated a place at the closest school with places available. This may not be your catchment school if your catchment school is over subscribed and you have not listed it as a preference.
Can I appeal?
If you are refused a place at a school of your preference, you have the right to appeal against the decision of the admission authority to an independent appeal panel. We advise all parents/carers to consult the http://www.york.gov.uk/GuideforParents before you apply for a school place. You will be added to the waiting list of your preference school/s should places become available.
Contact the school admissions team
City of York school admissions team: 01904 551554 / education@york.gov.uk
6th Form Admission
You don’t need to live in the catchment area or even to have been to Huntington School to join our Sixth Form and every year we welcome students from other York schools and from further afield.
If you have any questions you would like to find out more about the school, then feel free to speak to Mr Hardwell, Director of Sixth Form and he will be happy to answer any questions you might have.
Visit the Sixth Form section for further information about our Sixth Form.